Purr Hub

Curiosity killed the cat… but it shouldn’t kill yours. Learn more about your purr and paw friend at home.

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Why do Cats Roll on Their Backs?

There are many essential behavioral characteristics possessed by cats, one of which is rolling. It is very important to note that when a cat rolls, it practically tells a lot about their interaction with humans as well as their surroundings. Creating Human-Feline Bond...

Wonderful News about FIP Treatment

FIP was once considered fatal to cats.  However, as the following article explains, there is a new treatment that has actually cured cats!  This is wonderful news.  Please read on, and thank you for your support. In January 2021, Patty, one of my three Feral Fixers...

Why are cats so susceptible to kidney disease?

Cats are particularly prone to kidney damage and it has a variety of causes. Infections, cancers, exposure to toxins, and malfunction of the immune system may all be responsible for starting a slow process of damage, leading eventually to loss of function and kidney...

International Cat Day: three dates dedicated to these wonderful beings

 In case you don't know, every year 3 events are held dedicated to these wonderful animals that make our lives happy every day. Do you want to know why there are 3 annual dates dedicated to felines? I would tell you that they deserve this and more and that for me,...

Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome

Do you notice an obsessive cleaning of your cat? Do you notice biting and/or do you notice tremors in the back? Do you think your cat has a skin problem or perhaps the spine? Perhaps it could be due to Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrom or Rolling Skin Syndrom. What is it?...

If Your Cat Gets Too Hot, Do This

Summer is here and it’s HOT outside! Air conditioners are going out left and right because they are overworking themselves in this heat. We know what to do to cool ourselves off if need be, but if your cat gets too hot it can be dangerous. Cats can overheat too. Some...

How To Remove Cat Urine Smell From Fabric

If you’re a cat parent you’ve probably experienced your cat doing the nasty deed of “going” outside the box. Over the years of working with pets, I have met many people with cats urinating on towels or dirty laundry. Another one of the popular places for cats to “go”...

The 5 Best Cat Fountains in 2021

A cat water fountain is a motorized pump that circulates water via a series of filters (or a single filter). It pushes the water up into a fountain stream or bubbler. This system of water movement helps to keep it clean, cool, and aerated - providing water that tastes...

Why adopting a cat could be beneficial for an autistic child

Cats have a long history of improving people's moods and brightening their days, which also appears to be true for children with autism, new research published in the Journal of Pediatric Nursing has revealed. The small study suggests that adopting a shelter cat may...


There was a time not all that that long ago when a cat’s lifespan was such that an 8-year-old cat was considered to be a senior. Today, this is no longer the case. The life expectancy of cats has increased considerably thanks to better nutrition, living safely...

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No More Cat Spraying

No More Cat Spraying

Hello Fellow Cat Owners, A cat that pees in the house is not only terribly upsetting, but it can make your home stink like a dirty litter box.  Stopping this behavior can be extremely frustrating.  I know from personal experience – I had a cat, Boots, who would spray...

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I had given my cats one of those commercial brands of cat treats until I read the label – full of unhealthy fat, preservatives, and in a nutshell, nothing good.  We’ve probably all done that.  I am sure you, my valued readers, want the very best for your cats, so I...

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If you need to travel with your cat there are steps you should take to ensure your cat’s safety.  This info is regarding traveling by car with your cat. One of the most important things you must do for a safe trip is to keep your pet cool.  In the summer, you need to...

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The Cost of Owning a Cat

The Cost of Owning a Cat

The cost of owning a cat for the first-year averages $1,070.  So as you can see, having a cat can cost you over $ 1,000 the first year, and well over $500 each additional year.  If you have medical expenses or need a pet sitter, plus the cost of food, the costs could...

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Your New Cat Needs These Supplies

Your New Cat Needs These Supplies

Bowls – Ceramic or stainless steel.  Do NOT buy plastic bowls as they can harbor bacteria.  Before I knew this and used plastic bowls, one of my cats got acne! $SAVINGS TIP$ -- Pet stores are usually way overpriced when it comes to pet bowls.  If you have any thrift...

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Living With an Older Cat

Living With an Older Cat

When cats age, warmth, ease and convenience become priorities.  There are things you can do to make life comfortable for your aging cat.  Conveniently located food bowls and litter boxes are essential. As cats age nerves and brain cells die off forever, leaving the...

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What do you do if your cat gets lost?

What do you do if your cat gets lost?

Losing your cat is truly a horrible experience.  What should you do?  Speaking from experience – when a cat of mine got out, a trap with yummy food got her back (after first trapping two feral cats!) Okay, …here’s what to do: Make a flyer with a clear photo – put the...

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Cute Kittens Club

In our Cute Kitten Club family, we are two human producers and designers, and one unique manager: Tamale, who supervise quality, model and inspire.

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